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|||17-year old hunk wannabe...Single & Loving It...Aspiring Rugger...Teacher In The Making...Loves Family & The Chicken Bananas|||

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

After so long...

OMG...went out with naquiya today...so nice to see her after sooo looong...hahaha...chicken rice-ed for lunch..no indoor seat so we had to sit outside...alfresco yes nicky? Hahaha...went o school after that...met up with beloved teachers...Ms Mai told me to be a relief teacher...thts a point to ponder abt...went around school with naquiya...met jasmin before long...had orientation dance practice after that..so cool...i got the whole routine first time round...power or what?! Hahaha...fooled around with Sister Has, Brudder Moto, Brudder Boon n more...feels good to be around the people i enjoy...cant wait for orientation camp...48 hrs with those guys...orgasmic or what...we can play with long black at night yes? We'll upsize it and add whipped cream as well! (inside joke) hahaha...after dance...Mcspicy-ed for dinner with the Lim sisters, afiq and steph koh...as usual..it was hilarious...never fart in the jacuzzi or what! hahaha...was a great day...wish everyday was like this...
KungFu Panda
- Signing Out -
It's hard...
But since I've got no choice...
I'll put it behind me..
Only time will tell..
I'm sorry...

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