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|||17-year old hunk wannabe...Single & Loving It...Aspiring Rugger...Teacher In The Making...Loves Family & The Chicken Bananas|||

Saturday, March 28, 2009


C-130 rolling down the strip...
Airborne Rangers take a little trip...
Stand up, Hook up, shuffle to the door...
Jump right out on the count of 4
(1 thousand...2 thousand...3 thousand...4!!!!)
If my chute doesn't open wide..
I got the reserve right by my side...
If that one doesn't open wide...
Then I'm in for a jolly good ride...
If I land in the Russian war...
Send me back with a Russian whore
If I land in the Vietnam war...
Send me back to Singapore...
If I land in Sentosa...
Send me back by cable car..

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