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|||17-year old hunk wannabe...Single & Loving It...Aspiring Rugger...Teacher In The Making...Loves Family & The Chicken Bananas|||

Friday, December 19, 2008


This is what happened at work today...

Me: Hi ma'am can i take your order?

Lady: Oh yes, (lists the main course she wants)

Lady: What drinks would you recommend?

Me: Oh our bestsellers are the frosty lemontea and the green apple kasturi...

Lady: Hmmm..whats in your frosty lemon tea?

Me: (puzzled) Its lemon tea blended with ice maám...

Lady: Is it cold?

Me: (even more puzzled) Yes maám its blended with ICE...

Lady: Oh icic...ok i'll have your frosty ice lemon tea then..

Me: (relieved) ok..is that all maám?

Lady: Yes.

Me: (repeats order) ...and one frosty lemon tea...

Lady: Nonono...i wanted the frosty ice lemon tea...the cold one...

Me: (confused) yes maám the cold one...

Lady: Thank you...

Me: you're welcome maám

Lady: Remember, i want the cold frosty lemon tea...

Me: Yes maám...(walks away feeling utterly bewildered)

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