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|||17-year old hunk wannabe...Single & Loving It...Aspiring Rugger...Teacher In The Making...Loves Family & The Chicken Bananas|||

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Leaving On a Jetplane

So...24 hrs before i go...to sabah...kota kinabalu...hmm..intial reluctance has reduced slightly..due to the availiability of GYM!!!! Hahaha yeah its fast becoming my obsession...i need to pump iron...cos according to coach...i'm too "small"...like WHATTHEFUCK YEAH??!! Ok...back to topic...5 days in Kota Kinabalu(K.K) wht to do? other than mount kinabalu..i dono what else to do...gym ah sia...i guess..$99 just to lift weights eh? thats some expensive muscle im building..LOL..today was frustrating...yet in a way positive..ok well the frustrating was 90% and the positive was like 10%...frustrating cos mom was taking like FOREVER to get home...n i was like FUUUUUUCCCCCCKKK!!! I NEED TO GET HOOOOOOMMMMMMMME!!! Geewhiz...the positive part started whn i got home...LAPTOP was switched on immediately...and spoke(msn) to BUDDY PIGGY...after like not chatting for 24hrs...macam rindu like that...hahaha...then spoke(FB) to JIA YEAN...like ZOMFG after frigging long lah siol! Best ah sia...but still..JY...WO XIANG NI AH...we need to meet up real soon...hmm...will be missing lots of ppl over the 5 days...heres a list...

  1. Jia Yean (already missing)
  2. Khairul
  3. Sara Nadiah
  4. Nadiah Diyanah
  5. Team Republic Warriors

Last but most definitely not the least...

BUDDY PIGGYYYYYY!!!! (save the best for the last eh..)

but BUDDY PIGGY won't miss me lah eh...its ok..hahaha I'll still bring back Gunung Kinabalu for you...while the rest get KANINABULU...kahkahkah...ok ah...thts all for now..till next time...


Signing Out...

BUDDY PIGGY...eh..wo xiang ni ahhhh..eh ni MAKE SURE ni tag wo de blog hor...

ing gai ni mei you tag wo bu yao ken ni jiang hua liao...

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