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|||17-year old hunk wannabe...Single & Loving It...Aspiring Rugger...Teacher In The Making...Loves Family & The Chicken Bananas|||

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Sabah Trip + Out with Piggy Tembam

Back from Sabah...many interesting things happened there but i wont focus much on it ayye...good to be home...it was five looonnng days...but i gotta say Kota Kinabalu is a cool place...clean and all...better thn West M'sia (JB, KL etc.)...overall it was a good experience...i'll definitely go back there again...perhaps to Sandakan? Its more of my place...wildlife babehh..ok enough about Sabah...

Went out with BUDDY PIGGY TEMBAM (NURA) today...she had her F1 interview thingy...and i tagged along...since "i was free anyway" hehehe...very free eh TEMBAM? So met up at 11.30..well it was supposed to be at 11.30...but due to the "late bus" and the "red light" and stuff TEMBAM came around 11.45...smiling macam retard...reached super early (ok maybe not super) and hung around the cool sofa thingys b4 BUDDY TEMBAM had to go for the briefing+interview session...thank god she got group 6 eh...i feel for the idiot who went, "i got 16!" hahahaha...after that went for lunch at KFC...well i had lunch...while BUDDY was sweet enough to wait while i ate...had some quality chat time (CHEYYY!!!)before going back...hahaha...wah...detailed sia my post...nvm ah..general info eh...*thumbs up*

PS: I found that pic on my phone TEMBAM...please explain eh...hahahaha

Signing Out...

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