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|||17-year old hunk wannabe...Single & Loving It...Aspiring Rugger...Teacher In The Making...Loves Family & The Chicken Bananas|||

Monday, November 24, 2008


hey all...back frm KL a few hours ago...but im nt gonna blog abt tht...soo...well last mon-wed had camp wid my fellow SHOUT leaders...it was a bloody retarded camp pls...no running no push ups no this no that...might as wellstuff thm up and turn thm into butter factories...LOL...gross-ness..on the other hand...it was great fun cos my SHOUT leaders were - as usual - the hyper bunch of monkeys we were born to be...yin teng had a mad obsession with HSM songs...while the rest...well the rest were just quirky luh...we had macs on the first night...super retarded pls...and we tortured qitian with endless renditions of the song "fabulous"frm HSM 2 hahaha now the song s stuck in her head...HURRAH!! hahaha...2nd night nt vr nice though...little beatrice fell while playing touch rugby...partially my fault...poor dear cried for hours...mind you it wasnt a minor fall...but i have to say...she really looked adorable even whn she was crying...in the end had to bring her to TTSH...the hero as usual had to walk there while the teachers qitian and beatrice cab-ed there...it was nehnehpok scary pls...nth but trees all ard me...in the end beats had to go hme...she was pissed bt truthfully...it was the best thing to do...anw get well soon dearie...i'll check on you tmr morning hahahaha...well wht else...nth much luh...thurs and fri just stayed hme and retarded ard...oh yeah...starting work on wednesday...suit and tie ppl dun play play uh...hahaha okok...nth else to bull-dung abt...till next time...

Mr Independent
- Signing Out -

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